The Amazingly Mundane Adventures of Humdrum Girl

Thursday, February 21, 2008

She's Not Ladylike

Mrs. K will know what song that lyric is from. :)

So, played poker with my fellow neighbors, Warsh, Yeti and NJ tonight and wanted to relay the following story. Warsh had the plan to ply yours truly with wine b/c my poker playing becomes much looser when filled with wine. But it backfired!!! Was knocked out first but bought back in and managed to take BOTH Warsh and Yeti down in ONE HAND!!! Ended up splitting the cash with NJ, but was super pissed that Yeti had the nerve to say, "Well, you just got lucky." Pardon my french, but I call bullshit! While I am the only girl in the poker game, do not discount how well I slow played those suckers to knock them out. I ROCK!!! 'nuff said!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Secondhand News

Alrighty, so it's been awhile. But for those who have not heard there are two pictures of me in the latest issue of ABC Soaps In Depth magazine, on newstands until next Friday. The picture of me and hottie from the previous post is from the same event where the pictures in the magazine were taken. It was a fan event in Dallas for Josh Duhon, the hottie who plays Logan, and Kin Shriner, the loveable scoundrel Scotty Baldwin. Sis was kind enough to attend with me and it was a great time. Kin lives down here in FLL when he's not working so we talked a lot about local places. He actually was asking me exactly where I live b/c he rides his Vespa through my neighborhood all the time. Plus he signed everything to me with, "See you in Fort Lauderdale!". Haven't started stalking him yet, though.

Here's a scan from the mag:

So, Josh and I will be seeing each other again in May in Orlando for a charity event where I'll be at his table.

In other news, DM finally dragged me out of my cocoon to hang out at Mark's with some friends for Valentine's Day and we had a blast. As I said in a comment to ETK, our theme for the night was "Fuck it, it's Valentine's Day!". We're going out this Friday to do it all over again. The lovely ladies and wine nights, we now have a new deal where we have to go out at least once a week.

Saw "In Bruges" on Friday, which was very good, with Neighbor Jeff. The previous weekend his girlfriend was in town and DM, NJ, NJ's Girl and myself went out for dinner and drinks after bowling and NJ and I were discussing how we'd never actually seen a Colin Farrell movie. He is very good in this one and it's pretty funny. Very much a dark comedy and NJ pointed out that of the main characters, two of them were also in the Harry Potter movies. Thought that was an interesting point.

That's all I have for now, but will report more later. Babysat for my baby Izzie this past weekend and have her birthday party and baptism coming up this weekend. So yet another busy weekend.